Source code for authomatic.adapters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. contents::
   :backlinks: none

The :func:`authomatic.login` function needs access to functionality like
getting the **URL** of the handler where it is being called, getting the
**request params** and **cookies** and **writing the body**, **headers**
and **status** to the response.

Since implementation of these features varies across Python web frameworks,
the Authomatic library uses **adapters** to unify these differences into a
single interface.

Available Adapters

If you are missing an adapter for the framework of your choice, please
open an `enhancement issue <>`_
or consider a contribution to this module by
:ref:`implementing <implement_adapters>` one by yourself.
Its very easy and shouldn't take you more than a few minutes.

.. autoclass:: DjangoAdapter

.. autoclass:: Webapp2Adapter

.. autoclass:: WebObAdapter

.. autoclass:: WerkzeugAdapter

.. _implement_adapters:

Implementing an Adapter

Implementing an adapter for a Python web framework is pretty easy.

Do it by subclassing the :class:`.BaseAdapter` abstract class.
There are only **six** members that you need to implement.

Moreover if your framework is based on the |webob|_ or |werkzeug|_ package
you can subclass the :class:`.WebObAdapter` or :class:`.WerkzeugAdapter`

.. autoclass:: BaseAdapter


import abc
from authomatic.core import Response

[docs]class BaseAdapter(object): """ Base class for platform adapters. Defines common interface for WSGI framework specific functionality. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractproperty def params(self): """ Must return a :class:`dict` of all request parameters of any HTTP method. :returns: :class:`dict` """ @abc.abstractproperty def url(self): """ Must return the url of the actual request including path but without query and fragment. :returns: :class:`str` """ @abc.abstractproperty def cookies(self): """ Must return cookies as a :class:`dict`. :returns: :class:`dict` """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, value): """ Must write specified value to response. :param str value: String to be written to response. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_header(self, key, value): """ Must set response headers to ``Key: value``. :param str key: Header name. :param str value: Header value. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_status(self, status): """ Must set the response status e.g. ``'302 Found'``. :param str status: The HTTP response status. """
[docs]class DjangoAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter for the |django|_ framework. """ def __init__(self, request, response): """ :param request: An instance of the :class:`django.http.HttpRequest` class. :param response: An instance of the :class:`django.http.HttpResponse` class. """ self.request = request self.response = response @property def params(self): params = {} params.update(self.request.GET.dict()) params.update(self.request.POST.dict()) return params @property def url(self): return self.request.build_absolute_uri(self.request.path) @property def cookies(self): return dict(self.request.COOKIES)
[docs] def write(self, value): self.response.write(value)
[docs] def set_header(self, key, value): self.response[key] = value
[docs] def set_status(self, status): status_code, reason = status.split(' ', 1) self.response.status_code = int(status_code)
[docs]class WebObAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter for the |webob|_ package. """ def __init__(self, request, response): """ :param request: A |webob|_ :class:`Request` instance. :param response: A |webob|_ :class:`Response` instance. """ self.request = request self.response = response # ========================================================================= # Request # ========================================================================= @property def url(self): return self.request.path_url @property def params(self): return dict(self.request.params) @property def cookies(self): return dict(self.request.cookies) # ========================================================================= # Response # =========================================================================
[docs] def write(self, value): self.response.write(value)
[docs] def set_header(self, key, value): self.response.headers[key] = str(value)
[docs] def set_status(self, status): self.response.status = status
[docs]class Webapp2Adapter(WebObAdapter): """ Adapter for the |webapp2|_ framework. Inherits from the :class:`.WebObAdapter`. """ def __init__(self, handler): """ :param handler: A :class:`webapp2.RequestHandler` instance. """ self.request = handler.request self.response = handler.response
[docs]class WerkzeugAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter for |flask|_ and other |werkzeug|_ based frameworks. Thanks to `Mark Steve Samson <>`_. """ @property def params(self): return self.request.args @property def url(self): return self.request.base_url @property def cookies(self): return self.request.cookies def __init__(self, request, response): """ :param request: Instance of the :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request` class. :param response: Instance of the :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response` class. """ self.request = request self.response = response
[docs] def write(self, value): ='utf-8') + value
[docs] def set_header(self, key, value): self.response.headers[key] = value
[docs] def set_status(self, status): self.response.status = status
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